Camila, student at ILCF and lawyer

Camila, 28, is from Medellin, Colombia’s second largest city after Bogota. As a lawyer specialized in business law, she has worked for Colombia’s leading bank, BanColombia.

A hunger for discovery and a desire to deepen her legal knowledge

She decided to follow her partner to Paris, arriving last August to study French and pursue a Master's Degree in international or business law.

Learning French at ILCF

After arriving in Paris, Camila wanted to take French lessons. She asked for recommendations on the Facebook page of “Los Españoles en Paris”, and the unanimous response was “ILCF”.

She’s delighted with her semester courses at ILCF, which she began back in September: “My French has improved daily thanks to Christine and Rachel, my two instructors”.

She likes the small class sizes, which she finds particularly helpful, and she enjoys the school’s cultural diversity. In her class alone, there are over half a dozen nationalities, with students from Sudan, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the United States, etc.

She puts considerable effort into studying French, a language she has grown greatly fond of, and she also participates in friendly conversations.

Life in Paris

As indicated on the photo, Camila has fallen in love with Paris, which she considers “the most beautiful city in the world”.

She also likes the safety of Paris, as well as its public transportation, which she finds wonderfully practical compared to that of Medellin, with only two metro lines for more than 3 million residents.

She finds the French that she meets to be quite open-minded and friendly, and admits to being pleasantly surprised. She also loves the cultural diversity of Paris.

Today, she enjoys lovely walks around Paris and taking advantage of the numerous cultural events organized all week long.

We’re delighted to host Camila for a second semester, and we wish her the very best start to her Master's studies !
Published on July 26, 2017 Updated on July 26, 2017

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