le 22 November 2018,  17H15

ILCF Movie Club : Read My Lips - Jacques AUDIARD

The ILCF Cinema Club, allows students to learn more about French culture by introducing them to French films. Each film is selected and commented upon by ILCF instructors specialized in the subject. After each screening, the film is discussed by the students and instructors present.

Carla Bhem (Emmanuelle Devos) has worked as a secretary for a property development company for a long time.
Her job includes a bit of everything. She is the first to arrive in the morning and the last out at night.

Her reward? To be treated like mud and ordered around like a dog. Carla has had enough.

But what hope is there? Her solution may be Paul Angeli (Vincent Cassel), the new handsome trainee she has hired, who just happens to be fresh out of jail.

She will teach him good manners and he will teach her bad ones.

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Salle ES 1

Publié le November 22, 2018 Mis à jour le November 28, 2018

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